Monday, November 01, 2004

Or this:

A beautiful (detailed and compelling) endorsement of Kerry in the New Yorker (here), including this paragraph:

The damage visited upon America, and upon America’s standing in the world, by the Bush Administration’s reckless mishandling of the public trust will not easily be undone. And for many voters the desire to see the damage arrested is reason enough to vote for John Kerry. But the challenger has more to offer than the fact that he is not George W. Bush. In every crucial area of concern to Americans (the economy, health care, the environment, Social Security, the judiciary, national security, foreign policy, the war in Iraq, the fight against terrorism), Kerry offers a clear, corrective alternative to Bush’s curious blend of smugness, radicalism, and demagoguery.

Yes. So, tomorrow, Bush's political career is shot down and he becomes a lame duck, right?

(*see “forty-second street pre-election diary” post, September 22, for explanation of post title)

1 comment:

  1. Talk about smug and anti-intellectual. That is a compelling statement?!? As if for each category on the list honest debate is impossible. I'd give you a long lesson on Asia (notice how America's strategic alliances have never been stronger, and add to the list India.) Anyway, for your ilk it just is. Or isn't. It is amazing how anti-intellectual our nation's intellectuals are. But you're guy lost so I'll stop here. Salt into wounds and that kind of thing. Thank goodness a disaster worse than Carter wasn't allowed.


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