Indoors, of course, all remains lovely and ever cheerful.

Outside -- well, you have to wait for that cloud break to rev up your spirits. And this morning, driving to the store to pick up the ridiculously bothersome (see yesterday's post) photos, we had that cloud break and it was splendid!

I'm good now for another week or so.
I arrive at Snowdrop's home a tad later. The little one greets me with the usual hopeful look -- will you pick me up, grandma?

My day with her starts off not unlike yesterday. The temperatures hover just above the freezing mark and so I take the little girl out for a walk, but this time with her mom who is hurrying to work. We keep her company (at least for part of the way). Ah, that needed splash of color!

Of course, Snowdrop must show her mom the beloved pinwheel. Icy flurries have come out of nowhere, but the little one doesn't mind. It's all rather pretty actually.

On the return, I reward her with a quick stop at the neighborhood cafe. We don't really encourage snacking, but this is a special moment (my first cafe visit with her) and so I let her pick off a tiny piece of blackberry scone. Does she like it? You tell me!


Well, alright. Just a wee piece.

Honestly, I think she's ready for the cafes of the world!
In the afternoon, we stick to the home base. So much there to discover! Here, she probes the pantry -- a favorite spot for her.

I'll end with this pensive shot -- let me take that under advisement, she seems to say.

I like that. Listen to the other voice. Consider it. Make wise choices.
And don't fret too much if a winter day dawns cloudy and gray.