How long before we move on to something friendlier? We haven't the snow that Snowdrop would love, at the same time that we have temperatures that are downright threatening.
Numbers. Negative numbers, single digit numbers.
Early morning numbers: I'm up and on my way to check on the cheepers. No, there's not much snow, but what there is, reflects the joyous moments spent playing in it with Snowdrop. We created these tracks!

Breakfast. I wake Ed and ask him if he really wants to come down this early. I'm speeding this morning. Major grocery shopping. Lots to do.
He comes down. I'm grateful. Orchids blooming away.

The mid day is a bit stressful. Snowdrop has a big head bang at school. She is watched. Parents worry. She seems tired. Might it be because she has missed naps? Or is it the big head bang?
I had just explained to Ed that kids always keep you spinning.
There are medical consultations and discussions. She seems maybe okay. Is she okay?
I pick her up at the usual time: all worries put to rest. She is more than okay. She is chatty, bouncy, sharp, delightful.
I wasn't going to allow for play time outside. I mean, when the high temperature is in single digits -- that's not play weather. But Snowdrop really really really wants a ride in the sled (with a baby in her lap). Ping! The thermometer registers 10F! (-12C) We have climbed above the cutoff point. Okay, Snowdrop! Away we go!

Later, she picks up her snow shovel and throws the powdery cold stuff on herself and then just laughs and laughs...

It's time to come inside, Snowdrop. It is really cold!
Into the farmhouse. Off with the boots, the snow pants, the jacket, the mitts, the scarf, the hat...
Robust appetite.
Grandpa always shared his cookies with me...

Little one, I need to finish trimming your hair to get you ready for your big day tomorrow.
Grandma, my mom always says, I can do one more thing. So, I have to feed my babies.
Never argue with a Snowdrop.

This is the last photo I'm posting of this wonderful two year old.
Tomorrow, she turns three.
In the meantime, the temperatures drop, the winds howl and our bout of crazy cold weather continues.