It was a good day to devote again to outdoor work. True, there are the emergent bugs now, but not in a way that would disturb me. So I worked.
What can I give you on a day like this? Well, a sunrise! I mean, how many of you were up to see the sun take hold of the sky this morning? Claim mine then! Here it is!
Oops, not yet risen! Let's wait a few minutes... Okay -- up and out now!
Breakfast? Well, you probably had your own. Let's pull our breakfast memories together. Here's mine:
And after? Since I stayed in the garden, I'll show you some special bloomers, including the first display of a day lily! This one has ruffles and delicate lilac and yellow tones -- there are a million variations!
And so long as we're on the topic of flowers (aren't we always here, this spring, on Ocean, on the topic of flowers?) let's recognize the June rose (wet, after a hose-down). If you have a rose bush that survived all the polar vortex issues we had this winter, you're likely quite proud. I'm quite proud.
Polar vortex! Oh, remember how this land looked just a couple of months back? Consider the difference! To the front...
To the back...
Alright. What next? Well, Ed and I took one of our road trips.
We don't go great miles and more often than not there'll be a stop at Farm and Fleet somewhere along the way, but these *trips* have been a great favorite for both of us. Today's lasted only about two or three hours. First stop: farmers' market. And now you can finally tell that we're in full growing season mode.
Our purchases included strawberries.
But why? We have such a large berry patch at the farmette! And yet, right now, we can eek out no more than half a dozen berries per day. They are so delicious that the chipmunks have been bringing their entire extended families for a feast! I ask the vendor how he keeps his berries away from these thieves. Grow many, he tells me. Some will be eaten, but they'll leave some behind for you. I foresee next year an expansion of our strawberry fields.
We also bought a baguette and peas (our aren't quite ready yet).
Done with the market. Where to then? We have a destination -- a twin household just south of Verona where the women decided about a dozen years ago to divide and sell their perennials. Right now, they have hundreds of offerings (including many a dozen of day lily varieties!) and it is grand to see their set up. And yes, we carted away a day lily or two and a hosta...
......but the main thrill was to take a look at how a person might fashion a hobby to be self sustaining.
After that -- well, Farm & Fleet. I needed more chicken treats (a combination of sunflower seeds, raisins and nuts) and while there, I needed to steer Ed to a rack of shorts to replace what he has been wearing around the farmette. Here, take a look:
Now all I need is to get him to throw away the torn pair. That's tomorrow's project.
Tonight, the chickens were calmer, gentler, and seemingly even happier. Maybe it's the faintness of the sunshine (they prefer it that way). Maybe it's that they had my company outside for the good part of the day. In any case, their rush to greet me now brings a grin to my face and I don't even flinch as they run through the flower bed.
It's late now, that wonderful lateness of a mid June night when it barely is dark and you know that sunrise isn't that far off either. Such a beautiful time of the year! For you as well, I hope.