And, while millions milled around the monument to Mr. Abe, out by the DC Reflecting Pool, I milled around this rendition of the same person, though our President Abe had a dusting of white snow in his lap:
While the DC Capitol was readied for the big day tomorrow, I had my own view of the white dome just up State Street:
Much of my day was spent at Law School, empty today, nice and quiet for a person who needed her quiet:
Late in the afternoon, I put aside my papers and returned home. My building has a new tenant on the ground floor: a fitness center. And while many residents have been grousing about the sudden presence of the young and fit in our elevators (something about the sweat quotient), I am completely enthusiastic about this ready access to exercise space. Since my return, I have put in solid hours there. If Obama can find the time to work out daily, so can I! (This is my motto.)
Going to the gym is not in itself a very interesting topic for Ocean. But I had today my very first in my life session with a personal trainer (it’s free for new gym goers in the hope that we’ll get addicted to having trainers; believe me, my budget already said “no you can’t!”).
The man whipped me around a host of exercises as if I were a young cadet. Every time I protested, he slapped on a dozen more pushups, rope jumps or what have you.
At the end, Jessie the trainer said – pushing yourself to stay fit is all in the head. And I think what’s in your head is pretty near to what’s in the head of the young woman (she was in her twenties) I just trained.
Jessie cracks jokes as rapidly as he cracks the workout whip, but I think it was meant as a compliment.
I am especially mindful of what is in the head of twenty-four year olds, as my little one celebrates her 24th birthday today. As she revels in this memorable day and in the day ahead (as it happens – she is in D.C., with her sister and friends), I can’t help but think how wonderful it must be to be “in her head” right now! Her fantastic, spirited, ever-concerned about others head. Happy happy birthday, little one! I love you more than all the sweet smelling flowers on all the tables of the world!