These three dates have always stuck in my mind: the 4th of July (US Independence Day obviously). July 22nd (the day we celebrated Polish liberation under communism), and July 14th (French National Day). That second date has slipped into a storehouse of childhood memories, even as the 4th is very current and the 14th -- well, it reminds me of croissants and baguettes and sipping a cafe creme for breakfast.
I read about President Macron's recent order in France (where, like here, the Delta variant is gaining traction): you want to go to a restaurant, or bar, or cafe, or movie, or nursing home, or ride a long distance train? Show proof of vaccination or negative recent Covid test, which, by the way, is no longer free. Within hours of his announcement, over a million vaccine skeptics tried to sign up for a vaccine. Get a test before each trip to a restaurant? That's not for the French! They need their daily dose of cafes etc the way we need our daily dose of... come on, help me out here, what can't Americans live without? Car rides maybe? (When was the last time you had a day without a ride in the car? Ed is excluded from this survey!)
Me, I admit to having had many car trips today. Two appointments, a pick up of Snowdrop and an unexpected visit with her here at the farmhouse, a return of the little one home, and finally a trip with Ed to Lake Mills -- that's a town some 40 minutes east of the farmette. I feel as American as apple pie!
It's too late to work up a text for you. But the photos tell you all that you need to know about this wet and stormy, car filled, lily packed Bastille Day. Allons y! (What? No French in your life? It just means let's go!)

(find the monarch in the Penstemon!)

Breakfast? Yes of course, stuck in between one thing and the next.

(Ed is working on making friends with one of the young chickens, Unie. With some success!)

(On the way to pick up Snowdrop at school...)

(Snowdrop, on the school's playing field)

(Book time)

(Meanwhile, back at her house, Sandpiper is stirring...)

And now it is time to visit our friends. In Lake Mills. On the lake. We dodge the storms, thank goodness. I'm admiring the water here: so clean you could easily swim in it! Just not today...

A pause in the rain allows for a great outdoor meal...

Bonne nuit, mes amis!