Truly I don't get it. I wake up and check my smart phone. Madison is at 29F, so about -2C. Below freezing. The cold weather has arrived. Yet when I step outside with a can full of warm water so that I can defrost the animal water dish outside (it freezes over come nighttime during the winter months), I see no ice crystals out there. And the annuals haven't flopped down yet. So -- were we spared? Fine with me! Let's enjoy one more day of pretty colors!

Tonight, they're predicting a low of 25F (that's -4C). No way will we escape the inevitable. Still, the day is sunny and crisp. A lovely November morning.

In the afternoon, I'm there again at school, car at the head of the line, waiting for Snowdrop.

With infections still bouncing around everywhere, you never know how your plans will change and I am super grateful that at the moment, I can still do this pick up and bring the little girl to the farmhouse for an afternoon here. Knock on wood! Yeah, pound on it, that old timber!
(she found the marshmallows in the pantry...)

Sparrow is home of course. Parents say he's a little bouncing off the walls. Not surprised: his schedule suddenly is upside down. Not only is his school room closed down, but the kids' sitter is also sick with something. Still, the little guys are doing well! Knock knock knock knock knock!!

One day at a time.

And in the evening, Ed and I find the very latest (22nd!) season of Grand Designs! I swear, we grew up on this show, watching it from the very first episodes aired when he and I first began our own grand design of a life together. A blissful finale to a very pretty day indeed.