Ever since rosie came into my life, I’ve given up doing long hauls on the bike. Oh sure, we bike to the Oasis, but that’s 3.5 miles away. Rosie is so much fun that if I need to go further, I take her, rather than the bike, for a spin.
That’s not good.
Country living is supposed to toughen the body and soul. And so I made today a 100% no matter what bike day. And it was no stay at home and write kind of a day either. I had an appointment on Madison’s west side, I had meetings with students on campus and then another appointment on what is no longer even Madison on the west side.
Forty-four bike miles for the day.
And sure, the weather is on my side.
And the mock sunflowers are having their shining moment. As are the black-eyed girls.
And the Madison streets aren’t crowded and I get to revisit past favorite spots, like Owen Woods...
...and the ever beautiful, meditative lake shore bike path.
...and see the band do its practice – something I no longer see on a regular basis, ever since I moved south to the farmette.
So it is a good day.
(the last mile, photo by Ed)
Now, can I have my Rosie back tomorrow and the next day?