First, the flowers. Two side beds to start us off. They're thriving and I'm not surprised: it's been a good year for flowers.

Breakfast. With table flowers. I have to admit that these are rarely from our flowers beds. I can only cut down stalks that have fallen. I cannot get myself to tamper with fields in bloom.

One look toward the sheep shed...

... and I'm off. To Snowdrop's home. Hey, little girl, let's go go go! To the market. Gaga, mommy and you!
Okay okay, okay!

On the Square now, waiting for mommy to pick up baked treats to munch on.

A spice girl for the little one today.

At the market itself, I pick up my usual oyster mushrooms. And I add to this stalks of flowers -- they're everywhere today and indeed, many of them are grown in the fields just to the east of us. One of my favorite vendors lets me pick out my own stems and charges hardly anything for the bunch I put together. And she offers Snowdrop some extras.

At another stall, I pick up sweet Door County cherries...

I rarely come with a list on these Saturday outings. I treat these purchases as extras, supplementing what I have back home.
And at the end of our spin around the Square, Snowdrop comes out of her stroller and she and her mom engage in a chase that makes me smile each time I witness it.

It's joyous and proud...

... and full of love.

I return to the farmette with my purchases.

And now it's time for Ed and I to set out. Ours is not a big outing, but it's one we both like quite a bit: to the east, where we stop by a nursery to see if they still have some annual plants that they're trying to offload at rock bottom prices. I'm a tad late. Most of the stock is gone, but I do pick up a couple of wilted pots that I'll happily restore in one of my beds.
We're close to our favorite chocolate shop and so we stop there as well. And finally, we swing by the corn farm for a few cobs for supper. (The family of farmers also raise long horn cattle. Ed thinks I'm neglecting them here on Ocean. I'm amused at his insistence that I stop and take a picture. They're just cattle. They're long horns! I give in. Here's a pic of the mom scratching her own back while the little calf looks on.

Home again. Beautiful, bountiful, colorful home. I spend the rest of the afternoon trimming beds, planting the vulnerable newcommers and watering all the ones that I think need water.

The day had beautiful weather, which in turn made even the most ordinary scene look spectacular. You just need to step outside -- how easy is that?!