But what if you get a day like this one? The sun is brilliant, the temperatures are climbing, really climbing, a few summer plants are throwing out new blooms.

So is it summer? If it is that, then why isn't the pool open? Where have the sandhill cranes gone?

Those are late afternoon thoughts. In the morning and well into the early afternoon, I work to water and clear several more of the flower beds.

Breakfast for us is late. Very late. Close to noon late.

And not too long after, with a sore back but a much less parched garden, I pick up Snowdrop. A tired girl who is one of only two who are not napping during nap time in school, but a sweet and happy child...

And so it's summer, right? Well, maybe for a moment. Today. This afternoon. At the farmette: summer.

Can't play outside too long though. Must feed the babies indoors!

Babies taken care of. Time for real play. Wait, do I see Snowshoes on your feet, Snowdrop? What season are you in exactly?

No matter. It's what it is: a warm and beautiful day with sunshine streaking bands of gold all through the farmhouse.