Friday, November 11, 2011

day, night

End of a busy week. Check in on life again. Pick up loose ends. Make calls, read articles. Start writing finals. Water plants, sweep front walk. All from the quiet of the farmhouse.


A commenter asks me if, in the end, the larger TV was worth it. Let me say this: some great steps forward and a few slight ones back. The tuner is weaker and therefore we need to exert ourselves to get reception for, say, public TV. We have to position the antenna just so (we do not subscribe to cable). I thought we were done with positioning antennas. And, too, Ed has spent saintly hours (considering he didn’t want the bigger set) fiddling with wide screen v. normal screen v. who knows what shape screen adjustments. At one point I almost said – lets take it back and go back to little Toshi. A TV should not be this complicated. I didn't say it though. I don't regret not saying it.

Upshot? Well, Ed just leaned over and said – you know some of the not so good movies we bring home from the library? They look less not so good on the big screen... Make of that what you will.

The snow has disappeared. It’s cold, but I think the snow decided it’s going to hide for a little while more. I walked the farmette land, taking note of the squash in the field to the north, wondering if it is left behind...


...wondering, too, if the hole in the barn roof will let in snow... and admiring the last of the color of the few trees that haven’t shed their pretty leaves yet.

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It struck me that the farmhouse looks bigger from this corner. It looks finished and yellow. Something about the angle (it's actually only half painted and after tomorrow, we're putting away the brushes; it's getting too cold)...


Isis comes out, but only for a minute. As the air turns frosty, he hides indoors.

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At the café, we stay until closing. I work on my little Apple, Ed dozes off over comics from the local paper. As we pack up to go home, Bill, the café dad, reminds me – full moon. You and Ed should take note of it. (It's actually the day after, but to us mortals, it looks the same.)

How could we miss it! It’s huge, there over the fields as we drive home. November moon.


Let me pull over, I tell Ed, moving the car slightly off the narrow road. We look at the moon and I consider how best to take its picture without a tripod (I don’t own one). A truck rolls to a stop next to us. An older man leans out. Ed waves him on. No no, just taking a photo.
Just wanted to make sure you folks weren’t having car trouble. Oh, I see. The moon.
Exactly right.

He drives off, we’re left there at the side of the road – Ed and I and the Beaver Moon. Frosty Moon.
