Saturday, October 15, 2016


It is a day of indecision. I wake up thinking that I may have Snowdrop at the farmette most of the day. That plan changes. Then it reestablishes itself, then changes again. It has really very little to do with me -- the young families are trying to coordinate their own comings and goings. I merely wait for the final word. And by mid morning, that word is that Snowdrop is with both parents today -- a good outcome for her, as she hasn't had the luxury of them at home for quite a while now.

It's a gray day, one that starts with rain and will end with rain, but in between we just have that gray tone to everything.

I notice that the porch roof, made of strips of glass, has algae growing on it. I do a halfhearted scrub, but decide in the end to give in to Ed's advice and wait for the snow to do the work for me.

And then he and I sit down to breakfast. It's the kind of day where having fresh flowers on the table really helps.

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As the outdoor market season is drawing to a close, my daughter and I decide to walk over with Snowdrop for a last purchase of locally grown brussel sprouts, oyster mushrooms, and anything else that can be tossed into a dinner this week.

(Wear a cap, little one! You're still damp from your bath and there definitely is an autumnal nip in the air!)

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Snowdrop is no longer content just to sit the whole deal out in her stroller. She takes an active role in selecting her bakery treat for the morning (pain au chocolat!)...

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... and she alternates between pushing the stroller and resting in it from the sheer exertion. It's not easy to navigate the darn thing on the crowded sidewalk, but she wont ever give up trying.

(Okay, have yourself a quick run now...)

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And then, as my daughter runs an errand at a nearby store, I take Snowdrop to a toy shop on the Square, where she is delighted to be able to play with the Brio train set, reminding me that at more or less this age, her mom liked this toy just as much.

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After, we walk home, and I go off on my own errands, and then I'm at the farmette fixing dinner,  baking huge chunks of fish with a side of those market brussel sprouts, thinking yet again that days go by way too quickly around here!