Friday, March 11, 2011

off to Hohoe

And so I head out to Ghana. There are, to my knowledge, only two direct flights from the United States to Accra, Ghana’s capital, and one of them leaves from New York. I’m aiming to be on that flight, along with two others who are also heading for Hohoe – the village (township?) where we pick up our assignments.

My job will be at a school and orphanage. I’m to help the teachers at the local Happy Kids Foundation. Though Ghana is English speaking, in Hohoe, the people are most comfortable with Ewe. I’m to make English more accessible and to make them comfortable (or at least curious) about a different culture (the goals, as stated by the Happy Kids staff).

All that in a week. In the meantime, I surely will be happy if all my flights connect on time. Skies are blue, things look promising.