You could have had here a post about rain. Because there was plenty of it. But that's too simple. Let me add a layer of emotion by providing (some of) the lyrics from yesterday's song. Interspersed with photos from today (hello, autumn!). A very very wet day. So wet, that no one's shoes were adequate. Sit back and just look at this (very wet) landscape as if you were Polish. Take off your socks. They're wet. I peeled off mine. And I let myself lean back into my chair, immersing myself in the words before me:
Kormorany. The cormorants.
Dzień gaśnie w szarej mgle
The day disappears into a gray mist
A string of cormorants, tangled in flight
Said good bye to a warm day
Ostatni dzień w mazurskich stronach
The last day in the Mazury region [the lake region of Poland, where so many set sail during vacation]
Zmierzch z jezior żagle zdjął
Dusk took the sails off the waters
Mgieł porozpinał splot
That's a toughie: it's about dusk taking apart the tangle of misty air
The whisper of sweet flag reaches us