I could not tell the time of sunrise this morning: it was a gray predawn. With deep shadows and the occasional snowflake. But in looking out, I finally had full view of them -- our daily, or rather nightly visitors.
They felt my movement, even though I was behind the closed doors and windows of the farmhouse.
But they couldn't be sure. I watched them dig with their hooves and uncover things that pleased them. A seed pod, the new growth of a perennial. Wait, are you digging up my perennials?! I bang on the window to make my presence known.
They scamper off.
Not so the mice in the farmhouse: both (yes, there were two) make their way into the plastic box traps and so we have two to dispose of this morning. Thanks, Ed! I'll clean out everything while you're letting them go! I so dislike the process of releasing trapped mice.
Breakfast: leisurely. Beautifully so.
And after, I try out my "fancy" new standup desk! With so much writing before me, I worry that I sit far too much in the course of one day. Price of stand up desks? Ridiculous. We find something better at 1/50th the price:
But I don't work for long today. I have my (final?) student meeting at school... Is this my last trip to campus? Maybe...
And of course, I run into my office mates and that takes time and after, I have an appointment at the Apple Store for some computer adjustments and that takes time and then, I have a long and wonderful coffee date with a friend and so perhaps you can tell that this is a big day for me! You'll shake your head and think -- what? You call this being busy? And I'll meekly respond -- yes.
Being super busy is differently defined when you're no longer employed. (And that's a good thing.)