Sunday, January 05, 2020

Sunday and five

The first birthday that I actually remember very well is when I turned seven. Everything about is crystal clear in my mind: we lived in a two room apartment in Warsaw and I had a party. Probably my first ever party. My mom's friend baked a nut cake. We played "American" games like pin the tail on the donkey, because my mother had lived in the U.S. for a long time and she knew kid stuff of this nature. I only remember two friends who were present -- both of them sons of my mom's chums. If I had other friends from school, they were not ones who stayed in my memory. We played "telephone," whispering messages that made their way around the table. I found this hilariously funny! I laughed so hard that I bit my glass with fruit compote in it. My terrified mother rushed me to the kitchen sink, where I spit out shreds of glass.

Snowdrop turns five today. Whether or not she remembers the details of this rather beautiful age is not really important. She will have photos, sure, but even more significantly, all the fuss and delight that her parents and her larger family make on this very special day will have an impact. This child (like her brother and her cousin) is loved and adored and given all smiles on her special day. Like any other child (person?), she looked forward to her birthday all year long. It's here. We celebrate!

The birthday girl spends her morning and afternoon with her parents and brother. She will have a party with more grandparents, her aunt, uncle, cousin, and  her school friends next weekend. Tonight, we'll do a farmhouse birthday dinner. She gets to pick the menu.

After breakfast...

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.. I set the pans ready for baking. Snowdrop wants a lemon cake. I'm on it!

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Phew! Takes a while. A coffee break (with leftover Christmas Panettone... amazing how long that bread stays fresh!) before I start in on dinner.

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The family comes over, she opens just a couple of gifts from us (card first!)...

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She plays... (Sparrow needs a dose of Maisey books first...)

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("I'm moving the family to the tree house!")

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We eat, there is cake, we sing, she is happy.

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(Everyone in the family is good at sprinkling on loads of parmesan cheese, including little Sparrow...)

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(By the time I reach for the camera, there's only one candle left!)

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("You found cherries? Really?? Can I hang one on my ear?")

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That's what you wish for your birthday babes: that they are happy on this day and that they stuff some of that happiness in their pocket and keep it with them all year long!

Five beautiful years! Incredible!

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