You could say that the weather played a familiar trick on me. It threatened cold. And yes, it's a cooler day. Definitely. We will reach a high of around 50F (10C). My morning walk is brisk.

(Tuxie is our calmest and most beautiful cat...)

Our breakfast is on the porch,...

... but a few minutes into it, I tell Ed I'm just too cold. He offers me his clunky jacket and we linger. But we're not likely to do this again. Breakfast is a time of no worry, no rush. Thinking about how cold you are does not fill you with a sense of contentment and well being. It makes you want to get up and hide inside.
But then this wonderful thing happens -- the sun comes out and though it's cold, you'd never know it. Ed and I go back to that newly developing flower field. We had tilled it yesterday but today we are there with the shovel, going for the big weed roots. Slowly I shed my jacket. And then I shed my sweater.

Between the physical work and that glorious sunshine, I'm feeling mighty warm out there!
Once again, my FitBit goes wild with pleasure. I pass 10,000 without a thought to the whole enterprise.
In the afternoon, I pause to visit with my friends. Well, okay, it's a Zoom visit. Nonetheless it's a terrific way to sit back and give yourself a few hours of downtime. With friends who matter.

And then it's evening and it's getting dark but hey, don't let this get in our way of doing more digging, more dragging out of weed roots... until we can't distinguish a root from a worm because it is just too dark and Ed steps on a cat's paw and we throw down our shovels and call it a day.