Sunday, May 06, 2007

from France: en Bretagne

It is late Sunday afternoon. Monsieur has yet to vote, but he made for me the most “perfect” (his words and he is correct) crepe, with acacia honey and lemon. I eat this as dessert, having downed 6 oysters that he just shucked for me (another 6 for Ed) .

We walked for a long long time. Internet connection has been spotty to say the least, but now, in this remote place on le Cote de Granit Rose, in the middle of nowhere, where Monsieur Fernand Bricout and Madame Louisette Bricout run a creperie, I am connected.

They are stunning people, but you wont see a photo today. Let me only post pics from yesterday. And then I have to move on. The path is long, the lodgings for tonight? Unlcear. Are there any nearby?

So, from yesterday:

low tide

rocks and castles

coming in for lunch

my lunch

towns and beaches

low-tide, close up

the youngest sailors, hauling in their boat