I try to do (almost) nothing this morning. My back has to get better! There is no room in my days for a sprain or a strain or any form of incapacity. What exactly is a good position for a sore back is a mystery to me, but I try not to move around too much. At least not before breakfast. A slow unfurling of a day is good for the back and good for the soul as well!

In the afternoon, I do pick up the kids, but I have it all planned out: Sparrow will walk to Snowdrop's building. And climb up the stairs on his own. And then down again. And then in some fashion I will pull him into the car seat by the arms. And pull him out the same way.
That's the plan. The reality is a little more muddled and the poor guy surely is not pleased with my maneuvers. Still, we manage!

Once at the farmhouse, they are full of ideas.

"Don't need music to dance! Do need a crown..."

Snowdrop has been begging to see the robotic vacuum in action. Today we finally give in.

Sparrow is a little taken aback by the whole thing. He finds his favorite book and loses himself in it....

At the end of the day I am relieved that I'm not on a downhill slide with my back. I may be sluggish, but I'm mobile! That is such a good thing...