You know, personally, I would like some more sunshine, thank you very much. We've been promised. I don't see it.
In the morning, we had some slight anxiety about a missing cat. As I walked back to the farmhouse after feeding all the animals, I had to smile, remembering the innocent days when all my anxieties seemed to swirl around farm animals. Ed would say -- well yeah!
There isn't much outside that inspires me to take out the camera. It's not me, it's that time of the year. End of November and end of March: the naked months. Dirt, branches, brown debris. We love our seasons, we anticipate eagerly all that will follow and yet the camera stays on the table.
Well, except for breakfast. Click!

And, too, I pick it up when the kids arrive for a farmhouse visit.

My grandkids are lucky for all the obvious reasons -- good homes, good parents, full bellies. Still, these are challenging times for every child, everywhere. Upended routines, worried adults. Sparrow knows this less than Snowdrop. She hears the conversations. Her mom is just now recovering from a bout of ill health and now there's this talk about a virus that she knows all too well by name. I can tell the little girl's got knots in her belly when the first words out of her mouth are that she wishes she had her Koalie with her to snuggle with all the time.

In fact, it's Ed who brings that giggle back in her, by suggesting a spirited game of ball.

Yeah! While Sparrow naps, she moves seamlessly from ball game to story telling and before the end of the first hour, she is her old self again.

(Sparrow, just barely awake from his nap...)

Evening. Ed and I buy hefty gift certificates from Finca's coffee shop and Paul's Oasis Cafe. Talk about businesses hit hard! It could be that we wont ever be able to use them. How do you survive a sudden total shutdown? If you have just a few dollars, consider calling up your favorite local place and giving them your support.
Supper. I reach for some spinach and for the mushrooms. I throw a potato into the microwave and crack some eggs. Cheese - an Italian blend, shredded. Yeah, you guessed it. Frittata time. The perfect comfort food.

With love.