Up early. Lots to do. Fussy animals, little biting bugs in the air, wet greenery. But it's all so beautiful anyway!

Do laundry, order groceries. Family visit was moved to this earlier date and so I am catching up at preparedness!
Breakfast on the porch. (He's bending down to give Dance a rub.)

And then I'm off to my older girl's home where three grandkids are having a field day exploring the possibilities of cousin play, even as the parents desperately seek to log in some work hours.

Okay, I have this hidden take charge drive that clicks in at times of stress. Run the bath water, hustle two kids into the tub, then out we go before it becomes too hot for us to enjoy outdoor play!

Indoor time follows. The cousins are significantly into each other and so there's no need to forge paths to a considerate and good-natured play. And of course, for Primrose, this visit offers all forms of new adventures, all the more exciting after a long period of lockdown at home with just her parents.

Eventually, there are the lunches, the naps, the quiet times and then we pick up where we left off.

I stay for a pizza dinner. Inside, because it is still so hot.

Then I must rush home. Groceries for family dinners are being delivered at 8 and they include ice cream and it's still beastly hot even though the sun has yet to set. And I manage to squeeze in a quick mow of the paths, just in case a child wants to romp outside in the next day or two or three. Ed is out biking and so I heave the big tractor mower out of the barn and get to it.
Back in the house now. Our air conditioning clicks on. Groceries came, I washed, put away, washed some more.
It's very late by the time Ed is home and we settle down for an evening of pop corn.
Summer arrived with a bang, even if the calendar tells me it's only the third day of June. (Peonies are the stars in the first week of this month!)

I track it all -- the garden, the blooms, the bugs, even as right now I'm one foot in the world of news and the other -- solidly entrenched in my orbit of kids and grandkids. We are all healthy, all here and unharmed. We are among the lucky. We know it. We feel deeply for those who are anything but lucky right now.
Good night, with love.