The winds chased most of the bugs away to their hiding places. Such a magnificent reprieve! A morning walk in the garden...

... quickly morphed into a six hour outdoor adventure of clearing peripheral beds, moving plants, hauling chips.
(All this, of course, after a porch breakfast.)

In our walk across farmette lands, we took note of the wild prairie to the north of us (I want to tame it a bit, Ed is reluctant), the thriving grape vines (the Burgundian trim was so good for them!), the decently growing young orchard, and the very lackluster performance of the tomatoes.
(The young chicks followed us, but I think right about here, they got stuck in the tall grasses and turned back.)

It's become obvious to me that the soil in the tomato bed is not good. The six bushes Ed had kept out of the bed are doing phenomenally well. But the ones we put into the field are just okay.
We till a weedy spot closer to the sheep shed and throw down some chips.

We transplant a half dozen tomato bushes to this newly formed bed, ensuring that the root ball is placed in a soil rich in compost. Let's hope this helps them regain some of that tomato oomph.
Otherwise, things are looking pretty good!

I put down my shovels and gardening gloves and go inside to cook dinner for the young family.
Snowdrop is playful of course. She always wants to plunge into a high energy game (even though she comes here right after a soccer match), even as we're winding down for the evening. But, she has Ed: he never says no to her.
Want to play "family?"

My daughter is only ten days away from her due date. Yes, I can tell: this babe is getting anxious to come out!

Even though it's a cool evening, we eat on the porch. Snowdrop picks out everyone's sun dried tomatoes from the pasta dish. She just looooves sun dried tomatoes!

Every last one goes into her mouth.

Late evening. Still cool, dry, spring-like.
A quick sweep, a short stroll to the car and they're off.

As I glance out the window, the clouds part and a corner of the big flower bed lights up with appreciation.

Yes, I'm truly thankful as well: it is a beautiful time to be at the farmette. June, at her best.