(Breakfast on the porch, of course. With a very sleepy Ed.)

(Are the sandhill cranes hanging back? Shouldn't they be on their way south?)

Despite the heat, or perhaps because of it, our weekly outing to the Capitol Square farmers market is magnificent! Many of the recreational market goers stayed home and the less dense crowds give Snowdrop a chance to walk at something other than a snail's pace.
The little one is delighted to discover that many stalls offer apples! She has been gobbling up the ones that come down from the tree in her school playground and at the market she is happy to discover that apples do not necessarily come with huge bruises and brown spots.

These days, a trip to the market always calls for a trip to the Capitol building and a romp on the vast lawns around it...

Snowdrop perks up as she hears the Badger marching Band: this calls for a dance!

She is still sporting bruises from yesterday's school playground fiasco, but you'd never know it hanging out with her. She is in great spirits!

And the flowers are beautiful...

And most importantly -- the shade is plentiful.

Was there anything that filled the space between market time and bed time? You'd think not. I have no photos of those hours! Still, they were hours well spent. A bit of yard stuff, a game of tennis, some good moments of quiet reading. A week's end of the best kind!