Of course I'm glad it's drizzling. Yes, we need that rain to counter the drought that hit us in the late summer and fall. But just because something is good for us, doesn't mean we necessarily have to like it. I consider this to be yukky November weather. Need I say more? (And equally dismal is the forecast for this winter in Wisconsin: cold, but with less than the average amounts of snow. It seems that we are slated to have yet another winter with little of the white stuff. Groan...)

Breakfast, however, is always lovely. Oatmeal, of course. Cold and wet outside, oatmeal inside.

Ed asked me if I would go with him to the Expo Center this morning. It's a day for Robots and Brats. Tormach -- the company he has been involved with since its inception -- is putting on some kind of machine demo (among many other robotics demos). He wants to go, and for some reason he seems to want me to tag along as well. He tells me I may get some good photos. This is of course nonsense. To take a good photo, you have to know your subject matter. I have been to machining shows with him before and have always come back disgusted with my pics. Nonetheless, he rarely ventures out and rarely, therefore, asks me to go places, and so I agree.
And predictably, I come back with lousy photos. Here's one from his team, talking up the robotics arm and the milling machine. And though you see a woman listening in, I bet she was not there to get robotics info. Maybe a friend of a friend? The room was pretty much 50 guys to every female. His team pushed back when I talked about the absence of women in the field, but honestly, the proof is in the pudding.

They're serving brats to the attendees and my non-red meat eating guy stands in line with the rest to get his brat. Handed out with onions and chips and Mello-Yellow or Coke. Tell me what in there sounds tasty let alone healthy to you? The chips maybe. I take a bag home with me.

Home briefly and then I am off to pick up the kids.
Gaga, it's ice cream day!
Ice cream day?? You have got to be kidding...
But they're correct: Snowdrop had her choice treat one day this week (french fries), Sparrow gets his choice of treat for the week.
And the little guy always picks ice cream even on this grayer, wetter, colder day. And yes, he is still wearing a tie and she is still refusing to wear socks. Kids!!

(At home, Snowdrop claims Ed needs a back pounding, aka a back massage...)

So ends another November day. With leftover fish chopped up over a salad for supper -- that's how much cooking enthusiasm I had in me today. (But it was good, so there's that!)
It really is hard to believe that the election was just last week, isn't it? I no longer read the analyses because they seem more fueled by emotion and bias than by any observable reality. One person says this, the next affirms or disagrees and so it continues. I did look at ratings outside our borders and I noted that more than 75% of French people disagreed with the choices made by Americans this November. I have to think Poland's numbers would skew even higher. Leaders who claim friendship with that guy to the east aren't typically admired in countries to the west.
Ed and I watch a movie -- a not especially good one. We've been on a movie losing streak lately. But the chocolate squares that I bring out for it -- winners all!
There is a bright side out there! Always. Well, nearly always.
With love...