I have planted several of these gorgeous lilies in the last two years. Inadvertently, actually. In February, I study the catalogue of daylilies and make a list of the ones that are just too beautiful to pass by. The Persian Market always makes it onto that list.
Most of them wont bloom until mid-July, but oftentimes the first season of a new planting will trigger an earlier flower and indeed, my newly planted Persian Market sprouted a bloom on the first day of summer. Today's flower (remember -- each bloom only lasts one day) is, I think, especially beautiful!

We got our summer back! The day began with sunshine and pleasantly warm temps. It's breakfast on the porch once more!

When a day is especially lovely, I feel the need to be careful how I use my time. I don't want to waste those good outdoor hours. For example, Ed asked me today if I thought it might be a good idea to trade in my moped for an electric bicycle. We began to study various such bicycles on the Internet until I finally said -- this is not a good project for a beautiful day. We abandon the idea and go outside to work in the gardens.
[Why even consider the trade? Well, nearly the entire reason for getting a moped was because it was easy to park in the city. I'd zip to the downtown farmers market, hoist it onto the sidewalk and be done. But, the city passed an ordinance that prohibits sidewalk moped parking, not even next to a bike rack and so the moped is now a problem. You can't take it into most of the downtown garages and there are few curbside spots that are open on, say, a market day. An electric bike gives you some modest assist when you're navigating hills and you can park it alongside other bikes. The downside? It's devilishly expensive. Even if I sold my Rosie moped, I'd be out a couple of hundred dollars.]
Much of this day is nicely set for me today and so I needn't fret about carving out a good plan. First on the agenda is a trip to a playground with Snowdrop and her mom. A parent of one of Snowdrop's classmates suggested a reunion of the old class (three year olds and already she has a reunion!) and so Sparrow stays home with dad and Snowdrop's mom asks me to join them for this delightful romp at a large lakeside playground. The kids have a wonderful time swinging, chasing, spinning and doing all those grand playground things that are made all that much grander because of the stellar weather.

And from there, we hurry for our usual walk around the downtown Farmers Market. It's the first summer market and you can see the slight shift in the produce: lots of peas, baby bok choy, delightful snapdragon flowers bouquets, some berries, and for me -- always the bunches of oyster mushrooms.
Even though she rides the stroller for the long walk around the square, the little one needs a moment of rest after. Snuggled on mommy's lap.

What's this! A school friend here too? We do live in a small town! Energy restored, Snowdrop plays a rousing game of sticks!

And now we are well into the afternoon. I'm at the farmette, pulling and snipping my way through the gardens, admiring, too, the surprise bloomers -- like these late irises that pop open always at the end of June.

Ed chops fallen limbs, Stop Sign comes around for her late day meal, the cheepers follow, ever hopeful that I will have with me a stale end of a croissant. Typical summer stuff. Calm, lovely, and so importantly -- sunny and warm.