We wake up to a cold, somewhat wet and definitely gray day. I'm grateful. I want that warm cozy farmhouse morning where I read and write and bake cookies.
Breakfast first, of course. Note all the pots brought in for the winter.

But then I enter into the fray: I throw out the idea that we should pick up a couple of appropriate discs for our final days of disc golf (the course closes at the end of the month).
Well now. Don't ever enter into the discussion of what disc to buy with Ed.
There are seemingly hundreds of discs and they vary as to speed, glide, velocity, resistance, turn, fade, plastic used, weight in several gradations -- on and on and on. Some are good for beginners (me!) but promise short speed (which may be a good thing). But you need glide. Except if you're playing in windy conditions. This can take you into hundreds of permutations and possibilities.
I tell Ed - when we started playing tennis some dozen years ago, we went to Dick's discount sports store and bought two light and cheap rackets. They have served us well. We've played dozens (hundreds?) of games. We never once thought about which racket would serve our game well.
But with these discs -- it's different. We initially bought two cheap discs (well, they're all relatively inexpensive) and we thought they'd be fine. But it's obvious that they're not fine and so the question remains -- what's fine?
So here we are on a potentially cozy reading/writing day, arguing whether velocity trumps speed and whether it matters that I don't snap or spin (or at least I don't think I do). Phew!
I call it quits at noon and retreat into cookie baking mode.
I need a cookie that is good for my afternoon coffee break. This one, with all the right flours, oats, and fruits is pretty nearly perfect (wouldn't you want a cookie with cherries, blueberries and chocolate chips?).

(Well, so I thought. Snowdrop voiced a strong preference for plain old chocolate chip.)
When I pick up Snowdrop at school, I know right away that this afternoon too is going to be... interesting.
The wind is remarkable. The temperatures are low (about 45f or 7C). The skies are gray. Nothing about it is very inviting.
Still, Snowdrop wants the playground and I think to myself -- well, it's good that she feels herself to be hardy.

But even with my proffered scarf, she cannot compete with the strong gusts. Perhaps for this reason, she is far more frustrated with her inability to master her world than in any typical day.

Still, she does rally. She always rallies. She can't keep that zest for life hidden for long.
(At the farmhouse, sharpening her colored pencils...)

(Rubbing my "back" as she puts me down for nap... I am her student, the tent is our classroom...)


(She is thrilled to discover that grandma has Sesame Street records! And unlike streamed music, this one comes with a record cover, with pictures to admire and adore... )

(Grandma, that's Big Bird!)

So... interesting, don't you think? Lovely and interesting, in unpredictable ways.