Friday, September 22, 2017


Thank goodness it's Friday, and thank goodness it's the first day of fall (because this heat wave is just too much), and thank goodness that the call that my daughter got from school that Snowdrop was in an accident proved to be not such a big deal after all.

Breakfast, out on the porch, just before it got to be too hot to be out on the porch.

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A quick walk through the garden. I make a mental note to water the pots and then I forget to water the pots.

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I pick up Snowdrop with trepidation. She was injured during outdoor recess. She did not nap. It's the last day of a whole week without naps. I mean, we have a stacked deck here...

Hi, little one...

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Grandma, can you pick an apple for me in the school playground?
I don't know... they seem high...
There is an apple picker over here.
Maybe we can just get an apple in the grocery store.
I like the apples here.

One way or another, I shake down an apple.

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I suppose that's an indication of how our afternoons proceeds. I look for ways to keep things calm. It may not be the best strategy, but it is what I did with my daughters and honestly, it is what I do in most matters of the everyday.

One last comment on this day and perhaps it is the most important comment -- my daughter is celebrating her fifth anniversary with her husband. I take a commemorative shot ... of the two of them plus babe. Happy anniversary indeed!

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Ed had suggested we eat out this week -- we haven't done that in months! -- but I kept putting it off and then finally tonight I just blurted out -- let's just do take out sushi at home! The idea of ending the day with sushi rather than with another foray into the humid and hot air appeals to me greatly.