Friday, September 15, 2023

speedy Friday

A string of lovely days! That's just sooooo September for you. Stepping out into the cool early morning air, I'm thinking it's jacket weather, but that wont last. By mid morning, it's more like shorts weather.

Breakfast, now inside. It's unlikely that we'll have many more meals on the porch this year. The mornings are always going to be on the cool side. (Sleepy Ed...)

Afterwards, Ed and I go off together for a bike ride to the pharmacy (some 30 minutes, pedaling not too crazy fast, but 25 minutes for us because Ed is a speed demon). We have our fall vaccinations to take care of and from what I understand, you need to keep the RSV one a couple of weeks away from the Covid/flu ones, so we're starting off with the RSV today so that we can get to the others! Very complicated? Only if you're spoiled and think any effort toward improving your chances at good health is a bother. Me, I remain so grateful that we have all these ways to stay safer this year.

The bike ride is mostly along the Capital City trail which is very varied and very lovely. I take no photos because, well, the speed demon zips forward and I dont want to fall behind.

It's close to noon before we get home. Hardly enough for anything. Except ballet!

And now I am picking up Sparrow and Snowdrop and bringing them to the farmhouse...

... for a really speedy snack, reading session and play moment. 

(loves to try on my readers...)

I have to get the little guy to his violin lesson and the little girl to her ballet. In that order!

Off you go, little guy!

Off you go little girl!


Now begins a restful weekend for us. The young families have plans which do not involve me so I am seizing the opportunity to catch up mightily on winter garden prep and on the calm that is at the foundation of all of my more busy days.