Sunday, November 06, 2011

evening walk

For a good while I thought that the day’s post would begin and end with a photos of what I see from my bedside window. Yes, it’s a pleasant little view, especially now, when the colors are still so bold and beautiful...


...and it is especially easy to snap a photo now that the screens are down so that Ed can climb in and out to do his upper story painting. (When I don’t leave him stranded... Yes, well, I apologized!)

The rest of the day is spent on reading and commenting on student papers. Truly, October and November are tough. The work never ever goes away.

But as we get closer to dusk and I realize I have taken no more than two steps in any particular direction, all within close proximity to the couch, I rebel.

Walk, I need to walk. Come with me!
Ed balks. For me, the couch has become the enemy. For him, it is a pleasant place to while away a leisurely day reading.
It’s still not too cold outside. Come on, let’s go to the fields and watch for animals..

A walk in the country is always full of cool surprises. The wind, warm, but spirited, knocks us around a bit, but I am quite happy to have its force against me. It's invigorating!

The sun is setting. Its colors come through vividly now that the trees are mostly bare.


There are no animals to be seen. No deer, no furry beasts. The cornfields that line the forest where they so often play are being harvested. Loudly.  Sunday or not, like my papers, corn stalks can’t wait. They are dry now. Out they come.


We walk further – along the Rustic Road...


...All the way to the Nature Conservancy Trail, there behind those trees, illuminated by the moon now...


Finally, we turn around, retreating toward home. Any animal encounters? No, not really. One black cat, a few distant turkeys. As we approach the corn fields, the machines are still at work, aided by headlights now...


For me, country walks are never ever dull. At home -- eh... I return to grading while Ed naps. There'll be a dinner break. Surely at least that. Sigh...