One storm down, another before us. It may become "just" a snowstorm, or it may turn into a full scale blizzard. A blizzard would be awkward. So, I'm tracking the system and hoping for something that wont unravel my plans for the weekend.
In the meantime, it is really pretty outside! The winds have (temporarily) stopped and the wet snow is clinging to every available surface. Were I a truly dedicated photographer, I'd spend the morning tracking down the loveliest images. As it is, you get a handful of morning walk pictures. Good enough, no??

I am monitoring the comings and goings of our barn cats. Several of them are refusing to leave the farmhouse because of the snow. That would be fine were it not for the fact that their digestive system demands an occasional potty run. I'm giving them the evil eye: one accident in the farmhouse and I am going to pick them up and dump them into a snowbank! Consider yourselves warned!
Breakfast? We eat after we clear the paths and driveway. Well, I just do the farmhouse path. Ed blows out the rest.

And now is the time to take out the skis. First time this winter! We drive to our park down the road.
We had hoped that they would pack down the trails early in the day, but they didn't, so we just follow the foot tracks of those giants who have come before us.

Beautiful stuff! But tough going. When there is a level surface, you're pushing yourself forward as if in snowshoes. Hardly the speed and facility of a glide. Still, we are happy. The forest on a winter day does that to you.

In the afternoon, the kids come home with me.

You'd guess that they want to play in the snow, but the fact is, they've each had two snow filled recesses and what they really need is a period of R&R. Cozy, inside, with lots of reading and snacking. And a few mice on skis.

And in the evening I make chili. Of course. You cannot imagine a better night for it.
with love...