I cannot think of any other day that had just two words describe it so perfectly: I planted. inbetween breakfast (inside, with cat, because it is on the cold side of normal)...

... and dinner (I'll return to that in a minute), I did not sit down. I did not pause, I did not do anything except dig, plant, pat down, water. (Sometimes I skipped that last step.)
And what do I have to show for it? Well, for all that work, the numbers remain just okay: 28 plants went into the fields. But this is misleading, because I began the day with filling the tubs with annuals. There, I planted about 30 plants.
So lets take a look at a tiny bit of my work. I'll show you the little pots., The big tubs are (visually) modest at this point. Typically I fill them with about four flowers each, but this year I scaled down. We've invested so much in the big fields that I was feeling frugal. But here are the little guys:

Since I spent so much time outside, I did enjoy the current blooms all around me. Here, this is what's blooming at the farmette right now:

It's a good time to be working outdoors! (With a very chunky and warm sweater on of course.)
By early evening I stop to fix dinner. For these guys:

I did worry that if I sat down to dinner, I would not be able or willing to get up again for the rest of the day, but somehow I managed. But I have nothing sensible to add to this post. I planted. I am tired! Goodnight, with love.