Which counts more -- a birthday or an anniversary? An anniversary of what, you ask. Well, of being together. Both fall on this day: Ed turns 71 and we've been together for 16 years now. October 20th is loaded!
I like that it's a double whammy because it gives me a chance to needle Ed twice over. As I've said plenty of times here, he is an even keeled kind of guy who doesn't celebrate nor despair or complain about much in his life. So I make sure to make a big deal of this day, which gives him a chance to protest and deny and squirm a little, but ultimately acknowledge our life together.
It's at first a cloudy day, but not too bad in terms of warmth!
So much so that I dare us to have breakfast on the porch. I'm sure it's our last time this year. We may get frost later in the week, but for now, we're good!
There are small chores to fill the morning. He paints part of the house outside. I go to FedEx to send my camera for its repair after the last repair! And I get yet another Covid test, because the CDC recommends this for people who have traveled. And then I Zoom with my Polish friends. Much to discuss! Before I know it it's late afternoon and the sun is out and the day is radiant!
Ed and I now join forces to do something together (though he claims that working in the same space at our independent projects is a form of being together): how about a walk in our local park? The turtles surely must be enjoying this afternoon sunshine.
Yes they are!
Birthdays and anniversaries notwithstanding, it's Wednesday, and possibly the last Wednesday for Ed to do his evening bike ride. I plant spring bulbs, he pedals away.
And we come together again over a dinner of take out tacos.
There's a full moon hiding behind the clouds, but strong and splendid nonetheless. Sort of like the quiet guy who has been at my side since I plunged into a life with him on his 55th birthday, 16 years ago.