For example, breakfast can be very very long...

(A walk in the garden tells me that the lilies will pop just as I leave! Ah well... they'll last until my return late next week.)

(I should point out that the astilbe flowers are at their finest now. They bloom in part shade and they frame the path to the farmhouse.)

And, too, I can take the time to pick up Snowdrop. No big plans for our time together. I'm just there for the transition. But we have time for a brief jaunt to the park.
Snowdrop is in a bright orange dress this afternoon and still firmly attached to her sweater which today is purple. I love this picture because she is climbing the newly painted life guard chair. The colors are intense!

I come equipped for a picnic snack. When she sees the leftover bag of chips, she reaches right for it.
I blame ahah.
I blame ahah!

A little boy is playing in the lake and she watches this closely. I don't think of the lesser lake by the playground as a good swimming lake. It has the usual weeds and animals and warm water issues of Madison lakes. Still, the city has cleaned it up considerably in recent weeks and the beach doesn't look terrible. Surely wading ankle deep is just fine!
Well, Snowdrop doesn't do ankle deep! She loves the water too much not to get closer to it than that.

Happiness is being wet and in the lake, open to the possibilities on this grand day in Madison Wisconsin!

(Lucky thing I carry a change of clothing.)
She can't leave the playground without time in the swing and on the climbing structure!

I notice that we are sort of color matched now. Selfie moment!

It's time to head for home, but she pauses, noting that I've brought along not only a bowl of her favorite fruits, but her favorite story book of Alfie adventures. We read one or two of the best ones...

And then it really is time to go. Snowdrop leads the way!

Pausing here, because I tell her it would make for a pretty picture...

... but after -- running every step of the way. Just like the others! -- she tells me. (We often encounter joggers during our walks.)
I'll leave you with this image. I suppose to me, she stands for all that's great and wonderful here -- family, summer, farmette -- all the little joys of my days here.
But as I said a few days back -- every now and then, I catch a flight (or two, or three) and head out. Very briefly this time -- to Warsaw for three nights and then three more nights... elsewhere.
My next post should be from across the ocean.