Sometimes we intentionally forget stuff. We need to proceed with life and certain routines stand in the way and so we "forget" them. I "forgot" that there are seeds, wildflower seeds that need to be sown. If we are to create meadows, seeds should be on the ground, not in buckets in the mudroom. I "forgot" that November asks for a last ditch garden clean up. I walk from farmhouse to barn to sheep shed and I conveniently do not look at the flower beds.

Unlike during rushed weeks, I do now have my mornings to rest. I take this assignment seriously. I need to chase the bug out of my system and I know of no other way to do it. In resting, I think. And here's the funny part: I look at the days behind me and the weeks ahead and I think -- I know this script! This is a rerun! Pilfered, dusted off and placed before me as if it were new. Funny how sometimes, life just seems like a bunch of worn out pages strapped together as if new, only they're not new at all.
I had to buy more cat food. Ed and I had purchased a carload of cat food and it seems like we just did this, standing in line at Walmart, eliciting snickers and questions from other customers because the quantity was so large. We've lost some kittens since then and the cat diet is supplemented with plenty of mice and other gross vermin and still, I am out of cat food.
One more random comment: friends come out of the woodwork when they sense you may want a break from cats and cat food and drippy branches that should be cut back but aren't cut back because the sheers are too heavy and I cant lift them high enough. And so I continue to fill my morning with conversation and email and that feels so very good.
In the afternoon, I chase chickens, the goddam chickens that are hard to get into the coop at 1:30 pm, and then, breathless and almost late, I go to pick up Sparrow and Snowdrop.
(he takes his lunch box duties very seriously!)

(very seriously!)

(art, big time!)

And then they go home.
Night. I get a call from Puerto Rico. I am no longer without information. And I know when my gallant sailor is coming home.