I've thought of a new strategy to combat this never ending drippy, gloomy weather, without adequate snow or sunshine: ignore it. If someone asks you -- what are the temps this afternoon? -- respond with "I don't really know." Comments like "sure is nasty outside" directed to you? Look surprised and respond "I haven't actually noticed."
I'll give it a try.
We are in a bit of slump this morning because Ed picked up a version of The Bug and if you know him, you'll know that he is never at his rational even-tempered delightful self when he is under the weather. He locks himself inside his own world and ignores pretty much everything and everyone else. Like me, he does not like to discuss his physical shortcomings and failures and so we move through the day second guessing each others issues, or ignoring them altogether, while the cats stare at us in bewilderment, wondering why the sudden stillness in the air, the silence, the lack oh human sound.
Come on, cats. Let's go out to the barn. Hens are hungry.

The best part of breakfast (not to eat, but to admire) is the basket of forced bulbs. They don't last long, but when they're in bloom, you feel like hugging the world.

After that, Ed rests, I attend to stuff. Someone has to! When was the last time I cleaned the house anyway??
In the evening the young family is here for dinner. Ed is dis-invited due to his potential germyness.
It's good to see them all in one place again. I've had sightings of Sandpiper and the young parents throughout the week, but on Sundays, no one is in a rush to get anywhere and the sweet warmth and predictability of the evening are its huge charm.

(the boys are the cheese and cracker guys!)

(can she still be held??)

Later, much later, Ed claims he is feeling better but you can't tell for sure because, well, you know, we are quiet about the bothersome details of our physical well being. I thought this might be the perfect evening for me to rewatch some dopey show alone while he rests, but no! He's up for Ted Lasso. After a very bothersome night, morning and afternoon, I'd say we're back on track to being very content.
With love...