Well, you already know this about me -- I absolutely love my birthdays. (Today I am 71.) From the first minute of wake up to the last minute of the evening. It all feels immensely special. It seems selfish, really -- to focus so much on your own milestone. But this is the beauty of it: on all other days I'm keeping an eye on those around me. They are my center point. Sure, there's time for doing stuff I like, but only if it fits into the greater picture. But on my birthday, I feel no hesitation in arranging the day in a way that makes me very very happy. Unpleasant tasks and boring chores are put off for another day. On a birthday, I see every reason to revel in the joy others bring you, on your hobbies and interests, on foods you love. This is the day for it. Release those happy endorphins! Let them take you on a sublime ride! Because if not today, then when?
It helps that my birthday falls on a Sunday this year and it always helps that it falls on the start of the fourth week of April. Living in south-central Wisconsin, I mark this as the beginning of the true planting season. Unfortunately, it's not a frost-free date (meaning we may still have nights with dips below freezing, as for example in the week ahead) and so I would take a risk if I plunged into planting annuals. Oftentimes I study the weather charts and I do take that plunge, but this year I really do have to wait until the end of the month. So no shopping for annuals and no planting of tubs today. But perennials are fair game! In they will go.
It is a stunning day of perfect sunshine and temps back up into the mid-fifties F (so topping at 13C). A brilliant day! An outdoors day for sure.
First, to the barn, to feed the hens and cats.

(Can you believe that a month ago everything was so bare and brown?!)

Then to the bakery to pick up breakfast foods.
(just a short while ago I was watching to see if the waters of Lake Monona were still frozen...)

Ed has been with me through nineteen birthdays so he knows what's at play. Dutifully, he gives a loving card. And puts on a clean shirt. And lets me shave off the beard the night before. And supplies flowers for the table. And doesn't gripe about the self release photo at breakfast!

And then I take out all the perennials that have come in (missing still: the day lilies)...

And get to work. All day long, I plant. Interspersed with glances at messages from close friends and young families. (And I should note, that as always, we're splitting the celebration of this day into two parts -- today, because, well it is the 21st, and then secondly -- when the younger family comes up from Chicago at a slightly later date. So be warned, more birthday talk will follow.)
It is such a good day!
(The fields still belong to the daffodils, but they're slowly starting to fade. Oh, but they have been perfect this year!)

I pause for a quick cookie and coffee break and then I continue. All the way until evening.
I dont have to cook tonight. We go out to dinner with the Madison bunch, to Amara Restaurant, because it's a good midpoint between our homes and because it's Italian-based cooking and that means that everyone will be happy.
(Presents! With all three grandkids at my side.)

It's a bit of a wait for dinner, but I surely don't mind. I sit back with my Spritz drink and take in every detail, every moment.
(Ed plays tic tac toe with Snowdrop. I think he's winning this one...)

And the food is so good, and the kids are so excited, and yes, there's cake!

There's a lot of lingering afterwards. Well, not for Ed who has to dash off to put away the chickens. And the boys have had their fill of lingering, so they go out for a walk with their dad. And still, my daughter and her daughter and I linger...

Until the evening chill and the lateness of the hour force us to return to our homes.
At the farmhouse, Ed and I bring up episode 3 of Modern Love - Amsterdam. Yes, subtitles are involved, but I'll put up with them, because there is some guarantee that the episodes wont be awful, and some will be downright good. There aren't many romantic or funny shows that can promise you that.
And we eat chocolates. And I exhale. Typically, after special days (holidays, vacations) you can expect a feeling of let down -- it's over. Have to wait until next year for another. But with my birthday it's never like that. I mean, it's spring, I have loads of planting still before me, and my garden still looks young and trouble free, and soon we'll be taking our morning meal outside and... well, life, as we know it, is so good! Frustrations, aches and tedious chores? Just something to make you stronger and more aware of your own privileged position on this planet.
And speaking of which -- do not forget that tomorrow is Earth Day. A good time to pick up plastic trash littering public spaces, and to increase your awareness of the overuse of plastics in our everyday lives. Are we on board with that? Okay, then!
Good night and thank you: for being there, for reading, for being part of my community of good people.
with so much love...