And the weather! Oh, the weather! It's beautiful! I mean, November beautiful, but still, I am taking note of the sunshine. It is lovely to wake up to!

Animals, enjoy it, because the deep freeze is lurking, waiting to make a reappearance.

Days that are pretty have a way of escaping. Running way from us. Perhaps it's because we want so much from them! They should not be wasted! On a freezing, icy gray day, time can stand still. You can light soy candles, you can play beautiful music and still, the clock moves slowly. That's not necessarily a bad thing. You can accomplish much when the minutes crawl. But today, I look up and see that the clock has put us already into the afternoon. Never mind. It was grand to look up all morning long and see a blue sky.
The kids are here after school.

And I'm so happy to see them! There is work in child care -- don't let anyone tell you otherwise. But it's good work, where you do not have to question the worth of the hours you spend with them. Sometimes, especially when I am sick, when both are needy, when it's dark outside, time moves slowly. But this merely means that I have to put in extra effort. And honestly, when life demands of you extra effort, usually it means that you are going to be doing good stuff.

Today, the minutes do not drag. The kids are content, full of kind impulses toward each other. The books are wonderful, the snacks -- plentiful. And the warm light just keeps pouring in and the day zips by speedily, like a champion skater on glistening ice, all the way to the finish line.