I fix breakfast.

And after, he works and I work, even as we share farmhouse space (it really is a small farmhouse) and so we step in and out of each other's work/project issues. All morning long. Side by side, with an occasional comment, or word of encouragement.
By early afternoon, I am out to pick up Snowdrop. Big fat flakes fall all around me, but the snow isn't really sticking. I needed to stop at the post office on my way to her school and I imagined the line would be long. It isn't long. I am out of there in two minutes and so at Snowdrop's school I have time to sit in the car, listen to the classical music station and exhale. (I do not enter in advance of the set pick up time because this is supposed to be her nap hour and I don't want to interfere with that.)
I look up as I note a young child, accompanied by a teacher, going from one entrance door to another. The child is obviously carrying something. Fat snow flakes are coming down hard now. They must have been out on a quick errand. Wait! Is that Snowdrop??

The pigtails transform the girl! I hardly recognize her. Oh, let's face it -- she is growing up!

I quickly follow her in. She is ever hopeful. Can we please play outside?

It is so unpleasantly cold! Just below freezing, gray, with that occasional flurry to really make the point that we are in the thick of winter.
Okay, Snowdrop, but just for two minutes!
Of course, it's never just two minutes. Not when there's a slide and a swing...

Later, at the farmhouse, we listen to the Muppets songs from the Christmas Carol (this is at the moment her holiday favorite). But if I thought she'd be rearing to go after the wrapped packages by the tree -- I was wrong. She admires them for a minute...

... then returns to her animated play.
In the evening, Ed heads out to close the coop for the cheepers. I want to go too!

... And back inside again.
She tells us that she does like the new couch...

I can see the attraction: it offers an easy climb!

She spies her pajamas and does a very realistic rendition of a yawn. Grandma, I'm tired. I need to put on my pajamas...
Of course she's not tired at all, just in love with her play, her discoveries, her own take on life!

Winter cold outside. Snowdrop warm inside. And happy grins all around.