Up to feed the animals. My, it's pleasant outside!

So pleasant that we can again have breakfast on the porch. October 29th, breakfast on the porch. Unbelievable!

I'm just assuming it's the last of the extra unusual, beyond the pale, weird in the extreme warm days. A high of 79f (26c). Short sleeves for sure.
Most Wisconsinites have two thoughts going strong right now: the weather, which is weird (see above), and the election which is one week away and weirder still. No, you don't have to worry. I'm not about to run the millionth political ad for you right now. You've seen them all. And you've watched all four candidates come to our state, again and again and again. The big one may well be tomorrow's arrival of Harris on our campus. It's not to sway minds, it's to get out the vote. The weirdness is in the fact that both sides deliver an apocalyptic message. True, I absolutely believe one and not the other, and you can say the same thing about most Wisconsinites -- they believe in one cataclysmic scenario -- one that will bring us all to ruin if our preferred candidate loses.
Sometimes, in moments of great frustration (those happen when I go down that rabbit hole and read what the undecideds are thinking right now), I think -- wow, let that other side win and 48% of you will find out how wrong you were! But I really dont mean it. I have grandkids. I want a safe and beautiful planet for them. My bag of worries centers on them, not me, not Ed.
So, one week before the election is over. Everyone is thinking this -- one week. One bizarro week where at least one candidate is spewing weird hateful stuff left and right, one week where it's painful to read the headlines, the polls, the pundits, the predictions, the counter-predictions... Ocean readers outside the United States, know that it is very tough to be an American right now! Choose your word -- helpless, hopeless, hapless. That's us!
Ed and I go for a walk. You have to keep moving. One step at a time.
In the afternoon I bring both big kids home with me. Fine moods, happy faces, hungry tummies. We stop at Hubbard Avenue Diner on the way. For the ice cream. If ever a day deserved ice cream it's this hot October 29th.

And in the evening I drop them at the pick up point and slowly I drive home, half listening to the stories on the news, half wondering if maybe I should take a break from listening to the stories on the news.
I cook soup, we exhale together, on the couch, Ed and I, happy to find distractions, happy to be done with news reading and weather worries for the day.
with love...