We are up early. I have foods to put out and a frittata to bake (cauliflower and bacon this time) for a rather early brunch for my daughter's visiting friends -- one of them has a flight to catch. Let's hope she makes it alright. Traveling to the east coast is no easy matter this winter. Here's the friend, having a nice hug and snuggle with Snowdrop.

Foods are ready, guests are hungry.

Snowdrop had arrived in a wonderful mood...

... but there is enough of a buzz in the air that she quickly lets us know that things are a tad stressful for her sensibilities.

No matter. Her grandma is happy to hold and sooth the littlest one for a good hour or two. Snowdrop relaxes.

And she plays "Simon says" with her mousie friend...

Oh, Snowdrop!

The guests leave. Just a wee bit of cake is left...

Afternoon. Ed and I go to the movies. The American Sniper. That's one tough movie to watch, for so many reasons.
At home, we eat take-out Thai food and talk about inconsequential things. Being in the farmhouse calms the soul and restores the spirit. I take out plant catalogs and study them very carefully in anticipation of spring.