There is no time for putting it off. No wiggle room here. It's now or never. I must wrap.
But first, well, can I interest you in some time spent on animal care? (Ever since the snow came down, the chickens refuse to leave the barn.)

And too, my friend is in town! Breakfast, morphing into the lunch hour, downtown.
(the drive in...)

Haven't you heard -- adult time is very important, especially when you are 71!

And it is the last day of snow on the ground weather. So we must ski. Who knows when an opportunity will next present itself.

Finally. Get to work, Nina.
Ed, I'm so sorry, but there will be many boxes and a mess and it will look awful here for a few hours... I suggest hiding in the sheep shed! He obliges. Hanging out with the cats in the shed is a priority of his in any event.
(I hide packages, once wrapped, in various corners of the play room; I've learnt not to flaunt Christmas too much in Ed's face.)

At long last I make progress. [Once again I vow to myself that I really will keep gifts under the 24 by 12 inch rule. Small is good! Right? Right??? Wrapping is more of a chore for me because I use recyclable paper and tape does not like recyclable paper; but it is especially a chore when the items are.... not tiny.]
I call Ed back and cook up some fish and spinach for supper. May as well inch into days of holiday indulgence feeling like I paid my dues in healthy eating.
Hey, how about we watch Love, Actually?
We've seen it many. Many. Times.
I dont push it. The guy is so accepting of my holiday madness. Ok my love. You want to watch Pete the farmer rebuild his old truck? We can do that. Life is all about balance.
with love...