Wednesday, April 13, 2022


A guilt free day! After a predawn trip to my oral surgeon for the much needed sinus surgery, so that I can continue with the usual implants and other weird things that they stick in the mouths of older people, I am told to take it easy, not move much, pamper myself as best as I can and do nothing that spells exertion. "Dont even blow your nose!' Well now, that sounds kind of gross, but okay! A do nothing day!

But before I settle into my life of leisure (for the day), Ed and I drive home from the clinic with a stopover at Paul's coffee shop. We haven't been here together (indeed anywhere together) in ages! Ed has his computer, but I don't have mine (being rather dopey post surgery and not trusting myself to write anything sensible to anyone) and so I sit and just take it in -- that wonderful feeling of coffee and a cinnamon pastry, with Ed across the table, eating something unconventional (soup? for breakfast?) just because it's been a while since we've been in coffee shops so why be boring...

It's a warm and stormy day today and having now done my taxes (though I still have my mom's but I've got time!), and reviewed my manuscript edits, I feel rather free! Though I am caught in the conflict between my ENT doc (who says my sinuses are basically acceptable) and my oral surgeon (who says they are not at all acceptable), so I sniff dopey stuff and I dab and pop anti-infection this and anti-infection that and altogether it is a very forgetful day in all senses of that word! (Ask me what I did all morning! I'll have to say truthfully -- I don't remember!)

Sometime in my walk from couch to kitchen then back again, I noticed that Dance has found a new favorite resting place near the ceiling and Ed said it's quite photographable. So I took a picture, since today I allowed him to entirely tell me what to do.

And there you have it! A sniffly and odd kind of a day but hey, we ate breakfast out, for the first time in years! Something to celebrate, no?