Sunday, August 20, 2023

Sunday balance

When you have many weeks of kid centered days, you tend to look for balance when they end. My balance came today: early in the morning, I worked in the garden, and then I spent many hours on a Zoom call with friends. Adult friends. People who know me well, so I need offer no explanations on why this, why that -- just stories to exchange, theirs, mine, all rolled into a comforting blanket of friendship. Though maybe I should not use the term blanket to describe anything today -- it is hot out there and it will be hot tomorrow and the next day and the day after that!

Breakfast of leftovers. Sweet treat from my last sweet morning in Chicago.

And in the afternoon, once again I bike, despite the temperature (91F/33C and humid), despite the fact that I am still very tired. Rest is elusive these days. Biking feels as restful as anything else.

In the evening I am delighted to cook dinner for the young family here. There is joy in that visit. Always.

(after spending the afternoon jumping into a swimming pool, Snowdrop doesn't look very joyful! Don't be fooled. The girl is all sweet smiles once she fills up on roasted beets!)

(Sparrow is starting his very last week of preschool tomorrow. He is so proud to be moving on the Snowdrop's public school in September!)

(Sandpiper loves singing and acting out the Wheels on the Bus song. Just like Juniper! Who ever wrote that song is a genius.)


The kids insist I take this last photo. They really know how to find pleasure in family gatherings! Good for them. Happiness, love -- they're precious. Not to be squandered or taken for granted.