Morning walk. It's dawn, but the clouds haven't fully dispersed. You'll perhaps notice the gray overtones to the photo. Here you have a mixture of the annuals and the perennials:

Let's take a look at that sky, that great great great Midwestern sky, over the fields to the north of us. Now that's what you call a promising day!

The venerable farmhouse.

The adored (by me) and indulged (by everyone else) breakfast.

And now to Snowdrop's! Hi little one, hi cats!

A book morning. I read about a dozen to her, then she "rereads them" on her own.

A few more...

And then we go out. (Finally, grandma! About time!) Coffee shop. (Cup is empty, grandma!)

Pushing the stroller home.

In the evening, I cook supper. My daughter, who has known my friend Diane almost from my girl's own toddlerhood, comes over with Snowdrop. (Snowdrop explains to Diane what's what in her play space.)

I finish spreading strained apricot preserves over the strawberry tart...

We eat.

Do I taste fresh oregano on my shrimp, grandma?

Oh, thank you for replicating my Parisian strawberry tart experience, grandma! No, I don't think you'd get best Paris tart award, but you might get best Fitchburg tart award!

I have to show you this, grandpa Ed!
Okay, but do you see that you can also put them in upside down?
Always the upside down guy...

Beautiful day. Perhaps you don't see it -- the acts are so small -- a walk, a kid book, a meal. But to me, they're what made a day move from lovely to sublime. Yep, sublime.