The East Coast gets hit by a storm while we are bathed in sunshine. Where is the fairness in life!

(Although we did pay our dues. That was one loooong snowfall.)

Not to overuse the world beautiful, but what else can you say about a snow cover that sparkles like cold fire! (I don't think a photo can adequately show off sparkles. Or can it? Maybe a little, with a closeup...)

Breakfast. A little chaotic. Ed is in the middle of solving a work problem. Still, pretty and warm.

We run the Roomba Robot Vacuum and I try to coax our still a tiny-bit-feral-but-not-really Dance to take a ride on it, but her instinct is to regard it with suspicion, from afar. I will not be one of those who can post a cute video of a cat riding a Roomba.
(Want to know who is even more concerned about odd moving things? Tuxie. Sweet, but very concerned.)

Two things of note for the afternoon. First, I have my weekly gossip session with Snowdrop. She'd just come in from playing outside and a plomp on the couch was very much in order. In answer to my question about what she did outside she tells me "I walked into drifts of snow. It was my destiny to go into them."

It's the first time that I have her full attention since her Friday in-person school day and I grill her a little on who's who and what's what. She still claims recess is the best, but lunch comes in as a close runner-up.
"I had a choice of milk! I chose chocolate! And guess what, they showed us a Bernstein Bears video while we ate lunch!" This to discourage conversation while masks were off, but still, they're real kindergarten experiences and she is loving them.
(Our Zoom time gives me chance to also catch a few words with her mommy)
My second notable event? Oh, skiing of course. The sunshine is still radiant, the snow is still sparkling. We take a chance and go out on the real trails of the park (groomed for skiing) and we are lucky. No close encounters with the others who are out today.

(Hey, is that Bernie Sanders??)

Evening. The sun sets at 5:11 and isn't that just so much better than the 4:25 we had to make do with on Solstice! Sparkling day. Positively sparkling!