But again, this isn't the day for yard work. There is just enough time to admire the flowers that keep bringing sprigs of joy to the landscape. The lilies of course...

And, too, the lavender, which has had a fantastic run this year. As if our summer vaguely approximated what you'd find in southern France, or Spain.

There is also plenty of time for a breakfast on the porch...

...though our chatter again strays toward the topic of spring camping trips (with the now ingrained stubbornness, both on his part and mine), and then to the work I have to now do on the patio doors. There is a lot. It will take the better part of several days.
Well, okay. I'd been enjoying the doors so much! I needle Ed on this point, since he'd been very reluctant to move ahead with this project.
Wont you admit that it was a great idea to put them in?
It was a lot of work.
That's because you spread it out over months, so that it seems you worked on it for months!
Okay, maybe...
But aren't they beautiful?
You need to seal them soon...
But aren't they beautiful??
One quick task, before I head off to Snowdrop's home: I get up on the porch glass roof and sweep off the summer debris. I do this with some pleasure, in part because you really do feel like the world is yours to behold and admire from up high.

And finally it's Snowdrop time! I don't have many photos for you, because the girl is leapfrogging into new stages of growth and development and frankly, my hands are constantly occupied with catching her, redirecting her, showing her another way.

Every piece of furniture is a pull-up opportunity...

... every object a chewing toy. Teeth are coming in, unsupported standing and walking are her self-imposed homework for tonight, and through all this, she is sounding up a storm -- practicing sounds and letters as if there was a deadline and she just had to get somewhere on time.
So I'm busy. Though I do catch her sweet face in the few moments when she pauses, considering her next move.

And, too, I can take out the camera when she is set to eat. (Yes, she is pulling out her Finnish look today, which is not inappropriate, given that at least one spec of ancestral genetic material has some vague link to the people of that country.)

Of course, we take a walk, around the little lake again and I have to think it's our last of the very warm (but so windy!) walks, though of course, you never know. Fall almost always offers up a few delightfully sunny days and this one is delivering a trunk load of them.

And then I am home and Ed goes off to bike and I tend to chickens and the patterns are so familiar -- doesn't every summer Wednesday evening end like this? Ah, but it's not summer. You and I know this. It's just a palate cleanser, getting us ready for our next course. And even though there's a glorious fall still before us, everyone who lives in the Upper Midwest is already thinking about winter.