Take this morning. Because we're buying a couch, we are, of course, selling a couch. Today I unearthed additional slip covers for it. Ad has to be edited, price has to be raised, even as people are writing to ask for details (including a very clever Craigslist scammy offer of a cashier's check; never ever go for that one!).
Someone wants to come see it, I have to get a haircut, Ed is off exchanging cheap computers at a bigbox store, the kittens are still missing.
Somewhere in there we eat breakfast, though I do not remember it at all. Without the photo, I would have thought we skipped it.

A run to the library with overdue books, a run to the post office, then fluff up the damn couch, leave detailed instructions for Ed, on who will be showing up when and for what purpose and I'm off to pick up Snowdrop.
She is tired. Visibly tired. Still, she tries so hard to rally and we have a wonderful half hour on this warmish day at the playground.

Afterwards, we sit in the warm car and munch on fruits and read her current favorite book. (No time to go to the farmhouse... the car is our pretend farmhouse.)

(Read it again, grandma!)

Snowdrop and her mom (and tag along grandma) have an appointment at the local arts center. The little girl is invited to observe some music classes. Just to see if she might like to take on some of these challenges when she turns three next month.
She definitely shows interest.
So much music before her! For now, she clasps her hands, then points to the moon shining at us from behind misty skies.
Look, mommy, look grandma, a half moon!
May it always shine brightly on you, little one...