That title is full of optimism of course. Right now, as I post this on Sunday afternoon, the suitcases are packed, but we are not yet at the airport. My traveling companion (Snowdrop) is at home, I'm at the farmhouse, doing the usual.

Breakfast, with our cherry branches in full bloom. Inside. Outside? They are frozen and waiting. (I wish Ed loved traveling so I wouldn't have to say good bye...)

The day is brilliant. But cold. As they say -- good flying weather! I have checked and rechecked the weather at our first destination (we have a total of two destinations on this trip) and it seems that we're in for the usual March mishmash of good and not so good.
We will manage!
It worries me that I am too prepared. I've never had everything so ready, thought over, listed and checked and then checked again. Is there an arrogant confidence that enters into this? Shouldn't I assume that I enter the game with a clear head and without expectations?
Here's one staple of my routines that I've left untouched and undecided: how I will check in with you here on Ocean. I could try short posts sprinkled throughout the day. It's an idea, but I haven't fully thought it through. Right now, I'm just aiming to leave the house in an hour so that I can meet up with Snowdrop at the airport. From there, we will catch the 5:18 flight to Detroit.
For now I'm signing off. My next post will be (if all goes well) from our first destination.
With love...