I remember the morning after I got the (rather used and not altogether fixed yet) moped: I just wanted to go out at the start of the day and see how it felt. Morning rides are special: your senses pick up everything -- scent, sight, sound... The world is yours. You so want to embrace it! On your new(-ish) moped.
I felt the same way today, only with the e-bike and in this case, it is new. Beautiful to behold. Smooth as peaches on the road. Clean, untarnished by kicks, tumbles and bumps. Yet.
But first I had to do the animals (easy peasy) and I had the garden to tidy up (a little sad in the way it's chugging along through drought number 862). The bugs are annoying and I coax Ed into scheduling one spraying with that garlic herbal mixture to keep the mosquitoes at bay at least for the week. [Ed finally agreed. We booked a spraying for Thursday morning, then promptly changed our minds. It just feels so selfish to disrupt the balance of pesky and beneficial insects out there for our own comfort. In the end we haven't the heart to do it, telling ourselves -- the mosquitoes aren't that bad, especially if you stay out of the flower beds. We've certainly seen worse.]
(not many lilies at this point, but things are still colorful!)
(late bloomers to the side of the path)
(Bresse girl in front of Big Bed)
And breakfast.
Okay, so it's not super early anymore, but it's still morning! I'm off to test the bike on the standard 45 minute loop. Past the black eyed Susans that spill out toward our farmette lands.
Past a mixture of big birds..
It's a fine ride indeed!
And then I'm back, for Snowdrop's arrival for a day at the farmhouse.
(he explains to her the sales graphs from the machining company)
I'd asked her what she wanted for lunch and she was quick with her response -- spaghetti and asparagus! I'm on it!
And then we read. And read and read and read. (It's a good book!) Until early evening.
Ed is out biking on his regular old Wednesday Night Ride and honestly, I'm tempted to take my bike out for a spin as well, but I want to clean up the overgrown farmette paths a bit so they're walkable, in case anyone wants to walk them in the days ahead.
And then the light fades and the day is done. Until tomorrow then!
With love...