... But give to me the snoring breeze
And white waves heaving high--
And white waves heaving high, my boys,
The good ship tight and free;
The world of waters is our home,
And merry men are we.
(Allan Cunningham)
The crew of four plus the captain gather in Virginia. They listen to weather reports and review the possibilities. They attend to the preparations.
Meanwhile, back in Wisconsin, the weather plays devilish tricks on us, dumping another load of snow overnight. First time's a charm, second time -- well, it's getting to be a chore. Halloween is not supposed to look like this!

(rare splash of color...)

Breakfast, alone.

What's beautiful out there? Well, this...

Leaves out front -- covered.

Trees across the road -- weighed down.

Cheepers? Unhappy.

We get close to a half a foot of snow. A record amount for October.
I have this crazy idea that if I take out the bobsled, hauling the kids and their gear to the farmhouse will be easier.
It isn't.
(Snowdrop teaches Sparrow how to chill during the ride...)

Inside, he likes things with wheels...

She likes building places for people to inhabit...

Hey, it's time to head out to dance class!
The snow, the cold, that's all tough enough. Add to it the ballet class gear, the Halloween paraphernalia and you've got a load. Still, there are the gorgeous moments. We alight at Hilldale -- the home of Snowdrop's Storybook Ballet. Hilldale -- the place of her ballet -- is itself sponsoring a trick-or-treat set of hours.
Costume time! (Snowdrop's hand is in the costume she is wearing...)

Both kids are ready for it. Mom too!

The dance class follows.

I would have guessed that after this full day, Snowdrop would have opted to stay home tonight. But no!

Later, as I drive home, I see how bright the night can be once clouds clear away.
At home, the animals are antsy. When I go in, a cat follows, right to the porch door, to peer inside the kitchen. Hey, wait! Who are you and who taught you to use the cat door?? (An orange cat, heretofore unseen by any of us.)
And now it's quiet. I stick a pizza into the oven and wait for it to warm up. I tell Ed about all our adventures which, in my opinion, far exceed his, out there on the Virginia coast.